


Biology Fundamentals

Comprehensive lessons exploring the intricacies of life, from cellular structures to ecosystems. Perfect for students looking to deepen their understanding of biological concepts and their applications.

Cell Biology
In-depth study of cellular structures, functions, and processes, providing a solid foundation for understanding life at the molecular level.

Ecology and Evolution
Examination of ecosystems, biodiversity, and evolutionary theory, fostering a greater appreciation for the natural world and its dynamics.

Human Anatomy and Physiology
Detailed exploration of the human body systems, their functions, and interrelations, essential for students interested in health sciences.

Insights into the principles of heredity, DNA structure, and genetic mutations, critical for understanding modern biotechnology and medicine.

Physics Concepts

Engaging lessons on the fundamental principles governing the universe, from the smallest particles to the vastness of space. Ideal for those interested in understanding the laws of nature and their applications.

Classical Mechanics
Study of motion, forces, and energy, providing the groundwork for understanding the physical world around us.

Exploration of electric and magnetic fields, circuits, and electromagnetic waves, crucial for modern technology and communication.

Understanding the principles of heat, energy transfer, and the laws of thermodynamics, essential for various scientific and engineering fields.

Quantum Physics
Introduction to the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic levels, opening the door to cutting-edge scientific discoveries.

Chemistry Essentials

Thorough lessons covering the properties, composition, and behavior of matter. Designed to build a strong foundation in chemical principles for academic and practical success.

Chemical Bonding and Reactions
Detailed study of atomic structures, chemical bonds, and reactions, fundamental for understanding material science and pharmaceuticals.

Organic Chemistry
Examination of carbon-based compounds, their structures, properties, and reactions, key to fields like medicine and biochemistry.

Inorganic Chemistry
Insights into the behavior of metals, minerals, and other non-organic compounds, crucial for understanding materials and industrial processes.

Analytical Chemistry
Techniques for analyzing substances and determining their composition, essential for quality control and research in various industries.

Comprehensive lessons exploring the intricacies of life, from cellular structures to ecosystems. Perfect for students looking to deepen their understanding of biological concepts and their applications.

Cell Biology
In-depth study of cellular structures, functions, and processes, providing a solid foundation for understanding life at the molecular level.

Ecology and Evolution
Examination of ecosystems, biodiversity, and evolutionary theory, fostering a greater appreciation for the natural world and its dynamics.

Human Anatomy and Physiology
Detailed exploration of the human body systems, their functions, and interrelations, essential for students interested in health sciences.

Insights into the principles of heredity, DNA structure, and genetic mutations, critical for understanding modern biotechnology and medicine.

Engaging lessons on the fundamental principles governing the universe, from the smallest particles to the vastness of space. Ideal for those interested in understanding the laws of nature and their applications.

Classical Mechanics
Study of motion, forces, and energy, providing the groundwork for understanding the physical world around us.

Exploration of electric and magnetic fields, circuits, and electromagnetic waves, crucial for modern technology and communication.

Understanding the principles of heat, energy transfer, and the laws of thermodynamics, essential for various scientific and engineering fields.

Quantum Physics
Introduction to the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic levels, opening the door to cutting-edge scientific discoveries.

Thorough lessons covering the properties, composition, and behavior of matter. Designed to build a strong foundation in chemical principles for academic and practical success.

Chemical Bonding and Reactions
Detailed study of atomic structures, chemical bonds, and reactions, fundamental for understanding material science and pharmaceuticals.

Organic Chemistry
Examination of carbon-based compounds, their structures, properties, and reactions, key to fields like medicine and biochemistry.

Inorganic Chemistry
Insights into the behavior of metals, minerals, and other non-organic compounds, crucial for understanding materials and industrial processes.

Analytical Chemistry
Techniques for analyzing substances and determining their composition, essential for quality control and research in various industries.

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  1. Cancellation and Rescheduling:

If you need to cancel or reschedule a tutoring session, we kindly ask that you provide at least 48 hours’ notice prior to the scheduled session time to receive a full refund.

Requests for cancellation or rescheduling made less than 48 hours before the scheduled session will be subject to a cancellation fee or ineligible for a refund.

2. Cancellation Fee:

Requests for cancellation or rescheduling within 24-48 hours prior to the scheduled session will be subject to a cancellation fee of 50 percent of the booking price.

Requests for cancellation or rescheduling made less than 24 hours before the scheduled session will not be eligible for a refund.

3. How to Cancel or Reschedule:

To cancel or reschedule a tutoring session, please contact us as soon as possible via [email protected]

Please provide your name, the date and time of the scheduled session, and the reason for the cancellation or request to reschedule.

4. Exceptions:

We understand that emergencies and unexpected events may occur. In such cases, we will assess cancellations on a case-by-case basis and may waive the cancellation fee at our discretion.

5. Refunds:

Refunds for canceled sessions will be provided in accordance with our refund policy. Please refer to our refund policy for more information.

6. Late Arrivals:

If you are running late for a scheduled tutoring session, please notify us as soon as possible. I will wait for you for a reasonable amount of time, but the session will still end at the scheduled time.

7. Changes to Policy:

We reserve the right to modify or update this cancellation policy at any time. Any changes to the policy will be communicated to you in advance.

By scheduling a tutoring session with New To Education, you agree to abide by the terms of this cancellation policy. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our cancellation policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank you for choosing newtoed.

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New To Educationへようこそ。私たちのビデオコースでは、英語、数学、健康とウェルネスの総合的な学習体験を提供しています。多様な学習スタイルや好みにデザインされたコースは、高品質のビデオレッスンとインタラクティブなテストを組み合わせ、学習と理解力を強化します。語学力の向上、数学的概念の習得、健康全般の向上など、必要とされる柔軟性、利便性、内容の深さを提供しています。




New To Educationへようこそ。英語、数学、健康とウェルネスの各分野で、1人1人に合わせたサポートを提供する対面式個別指導です。私たち熱意のある講師は、学業での成功と結果のために、学習者の能力が十分に発揮できるような質の高い指導を提供します。当校の個別指導は、語学力の向上、数学力UP、総合的な健康促進など、生徒1人1人のニーズと目標に合わせたカリキュラムにより学んでいただきます。




英語、数学、健康とフィットネスの魅力的でインタラクティブなオンライン個別レッスンを提供するNew To Educationへようこそ。当校の専門講師は、英語と数学では生徒が学業で良い成績、結果になるようなスキルを身に着け、健康とフィットネスでは健康的になるためにデザインされています。生徒たちの多様な学習ニーズとご希望を満たすようなカリキュラムです。

